Service Details

General Ultrasound (Abdomen & Pelvis, KUB)

A General Ultrasound (Abdomen & Pelvis, KUB) is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses sound waves to create images of the organs and structures in the abdomen and pelvis.

This type of ultrasound is safe, painless, and does not use radiation. It provides real-time images that help in diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions.

High End Obstetrics Ultrasound

A High-End Obstetrics Ultrasound is an advanced imaging procedure used during pregnancy to provide detailed images and information about the developing fetus and the mother's reproductive organs.

This ultrasound is crucial for monitoring the health and development of both the mother and the baby, ensuring any issues are detected and managed promptly.

Congenital Anomaly Scan (Level I, II, III)

A Congenital Anomaly Scan (also known as a fetal anomaly scan) is a detailed ultrasound examination used to check for structural abnormalities or congenital anomalies in a developing fetus.

These scans are crucial for early detection and management of potential congenital anomalies, allowing for timely interventions and informed decision-making.

3D / 4D Ultrasound

A 3D/4D Ultrasound is an advanced imaging technique used in medical diagnostics, particularly in obstetrics, to provide detailed images of the fetus.

These ultrasounds provide a more comprehensive view of the fetus compared to traditional 2D ultrasounds, enhancing the ability to detect anomalies and providing a more engaging experience for expectant parents.

Musculoskeletal Imaging

Musculoskeletal Imaging is a type of medical imaging focused on diagnosing and assessing conditions related to the muscles, bones, joints, and soft tissues.

This imaging is crucial for accurately diagnosing musculoskeletal issues and planning appropriate medical or surgical interventions.

Sonomammography (Breast Ultrasound)

Sonomammography (Breast Ultrasound) is a non-invasive imaging technique used to examine breast tissue.

This imaging is essential for accurately diagnosing and assessing breast conditions, particularly in women with dense breast tissue where mammograms may be less effective.

B-Scan (Sonography of Thyroid, Local swellings)

B-Scan (Sonography of Thyroid, Local Swellings) is a diagnostic ultrasound procedure used to examine the thyroid gland and other localized swellings.

This imaging technique is essential for diagnosing and monitoring conditions affecting the thyroid gland and other localized swellings.

Neurosonography (Sonography of Neonatal brain)

Neurosonography (Sonography of Neonatal Brain) is a specialized ultrasound technique used to examine the brain of newborns.

This imaging is crucial for early diagnosis and monitoring of brain conditions in newborns, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

Sonographic Infertility work-up including Follicular monitoring

Sonographic Infertility Work-up Including Follicular Monitoring is a comprehensive ultrasound assessment used to evaluate causes of infertility and monitor ovarian follicles during fertility treatments.

This imaging is vital for diagnosing infertility causes and optimizing the success of fertility treatments.